What we do

What we do

Here we can only show the orientation of the offered services and products. Basically, when it comes to the IT side of taxes, creativity knows no bounds, just get in touch with us - we'll be happy to help.

Advice with side effects

We want to make the world of taxes easier and better with technology. That's why we always make sure that everyone involved understands everything that happens with their data, in their systems and our tools. Rather than just delivering results, we take the time to discuss the technology you are using to set you to fire to discover and develop something new. Be curious, it will be a beautiful trip.

tax determination

The system-side picturing of VAT is often very complex and not immediately comprehensible. Various projects have shown that through the use of suitable tools and procedures, a great deal of clarity and thus control can be created. Not only the tax codes have to be designed and configured - together with you, we'll get control on all tax-relevant aspects in your system.

data analysis

Whether during a tax audit or as part of various tax system and data audits - evaluations on millions of invoices will ultimately fit into a file that you can send by email - if the technology is right. You will see, everything is possible. We'll be happy to discuss what technology is best for you and prepare or accompany your data.


Many recurring tasks that rob your time can be automated. Often, large software products are too expensive and complex, but small widgets are just fine enough to be implemented quickly and easy to adapt to your needs and ideas. Tell us what you find annoying in your everyday life: reconciliations, data preparation etc. - we will find and implement a solution together.

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